Gaur Gum

What Is Guar Gum?

Guar Gum or Guar Seeds are also acknowledged in the form of Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. It is a natural gum that is taken into consideration for industrial purposes. As stated above this type of gum is being used for different industrial purposes and it is continuously giving excellent results. If you are still thinking why then below mentioned are a few of the attributes that will surely give you an idea about the quality the respective gum has in itself to be acquired by industries all around.

  • Emulsifier
  • Stabilizer
  • Bonding agent
  • Natural fiber
  • Gelling agent
  • Hydrocolloid
  • Natural thickener
  • Soil Stabiliser
  • Fracturing agent
  • Flocculants

These attributes reflect how amazing this product is and how it can help different attributes enormously. This is why there are a number of companies now jumping to this business of providing guar gum that can help most of the manufacturing sectors these days.

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